Your Quality Of Life

How are you doing?

When we are caretakers, it’s so easy to forget to take care of ourselves. We can’t take care of others if we’re not taking care of ourselves. That includes eating a good diet, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, light/moderate exercise, and social interaction.

How are you spending your time right now? With something so large looming just out of eyesite, it can make it hard to focus on anything else in our lives. When we allow ourselves to become overrun with worry, doubt, fear, and sorrow, we miss all the joy, meaning, and love that is directly in front of us. There are lots of things that we can do to help ourselves during this time, such as talking, meditation, journaling, and taking time just for ourselves.

Time Questions:

✔   How are you spending your time?
✔   Are you spending more time away from your friends, family, and work?
✔   How are your family and children reacting to this grief?
✔   Are you concerned with not knowing when the right time would be?
✔   Does your pet have a condition that can’t be predicted?
✔   How much uncertainty do you deal with on a daily basis?

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