PetCloud Individual Package


4-Session Individual Package

(Single Session Link)

Availability: In stock (can be backordered)

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4 Individual One-on-One Sessions

If you're looking to just book one session: Book Single Session Link

This is the time that you can set aside for your grief, to be open, vulnerable, and allow your emotions to be uncontrolled. We all grieve and everyone has their own journey that they take through their grief. It's a journey that is unique to you, your experiences, and where you are right now in your grief.

If it's your first time, let's start by finding out where we are in our grief. So, we'll also talk about how you're doing.

Your Mental Health - How are you coping?
Your Pysical Health - Are you eating, sleeping?
Your Support Networks - Friends and family that you can talk with about grief.

Generally, it's a good idea to meet with us before purchasing so we can talk about the specifics of what you'd like to get out of our time together. After we meet, we can find a time where we both can meet and settle into the space together.  We typically run our individual appointments starting 6:00am PST / 9:00am EST until  2:00pm PST / 5:00pm EST. However, special accomidations can be arranged if needed.


Due to time constraints, we're only offering 15 of these at a time.


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